The Golden Sheath

July 16, 2021

Humans are fond of gold jewellery and so it is always in high demand. Yet none are aware of the real gold – the glittering ornament that every human wear around the higher body – the golden sheath! Only if you had eyes to see that vision – that gold is the immortal you – the real you – living outside the passages of time/space continuum.
~ The Mysterious One

Why do we lose individuality in a group?

November 6, 2018


Anything spoken with a strong conviction makes a lasting impression on the minds of the passive listeners. Anything spoken with a doubt or devoid of a strong conviction in the mind of the speaker is identified subconsciously by the listeners and they too do not take it up seriously. History is full of examples of such leaders with 100% conviction in their ideology, even though it was flawed or evil one, who attracted millions of listeners who blindly followed them as they were pulled by their conviction above anything else.

The conviction dwelling in the mind of the leader becomes the conviction of the followers as they are devoid of any such strong conviction in their own life. The leader usually has a grand vision which he/she very clearly portrays in the minds of the passive listeners. The listeners themselves confused/unclear about their future, seek solace in this grand vision and become an active co-creator helping the leader manifest this grand vision –even if that vision requires murdering of millions of other innocent people usually identified by some specific religion/skin color/belief/nationality/race etc. Thus, the otherwise non-violent innocent individual identifies himself/herself as an important part of the truth/vision shared by the leader and becomes totally blind to his/her own thinking/beliefs/sensitivities/truths thereby losing his/her individuality.

History repeats itself! Because of this pattern of the power of conviction in so-called truth/vision of one leader, the lives of millions of beings are affected on both sides of the fence – those who invest their faith in this truth/vision as well as those on the receiving end! Turn back the pages of history and you will find great battles for truth being fought as well as gruesome genocides that happened due to the power of the conviction of just one leader.

This is the same with the group psychology. One non-violent innocent person can lose his/her identity/truth/beliefs when he/she becomes part of a group (fuelled by some kind of anger or hatred) and can act violently-insanely in a manner he/she alone can not even imagine. Such fanatic groups formed under religious/political/nationalist/racist motives are most violent and gruesome, while they assume actually doing a good service for the leader or for the cause for which the group was formed. Sometimes a group without any human leader can have a common cause giving them the much needed strong conviction that was missing in their own individual mind. Those with strong individuality and conviction in their own truths find it difficult to become part of any such groups and are usually systematically marginalized by the masses.

So, while in a group, be aware of your own individuality and your own truths before your mind becomes submissive to the group psychology and your individuality fades away.

© 2018 Amitt Parikh – – All rights reserved.



Empty Your Mind!

June 23, 2018

Emptiness holds everything. Even after holding everything within it, emptiness is still infinitely empty!

The more you explore your true Self, emptier you become. Till the point comes, where you no longer find your ‘self’ – you become the emptiness!

All creations happen within this grand emptiness. All creations at all levels of existence stem from this emptiness, rise higher and higher and dissolve/transform/disappear into this emptiness. While all phenomena rise and fall – the emptiness witnesses it fully. The emptiness is not disturbed at all – not when a great creation happens nor when a great creation collapse. For there is nothing out there – all play is happening in this infinite canvass of emptiness!

Empty your mind of all concepts about phenomena. Just embrace this emptiness & then voila all will be revealed to you!

Enjoy the moment! Enjoy the next moment when it arrives. Enjoy the phenomena. But know well that this too shall pass! Nothing can remain permanent except the permanence of emptiness!

Rejoice in this knowing – be empty within!

~ The Mysterious One

Your Spiritual Revolution – February 2018

February 14, 2018

Divine Dichotomy!

February 13, 2018

Image result for yearning

Central to your idea of identity is this constant yearning – to be something, to get somewhere, to have something, to destroy, to build, to create or transform – some action on mental, emotional or physical plane. That you must drop – not ‘to drop’ as such – but simply leave… and BE. Be fully in your mind-body-soul – just BE – and everything falls into its place without any effort. As there is nothing to achieve or discard… nothing at all… it’s just To-Be, All-That-Is. Already All-That-is is ME-You!

The only hurdle is to understand the depth of this teaching – ‘To Be!’- for it cannot be taught – you need to experiment with it to experience it from the depths of your Self.

Freedom – ultimate freedom – awaits you!

This is the great spiritual paradox – you lose all to win all. And if you are hell bent on winning it all – you lose all!

Divine dichotomy!

~ The Mysterious One

The Greatest Mantra

September 20, 2017

Which is the greatest Mantra of all?

Which is the most powerful mantra of all?

Which ancient mantra can give you direct access to the Primordial One?

Here is a #spiritualvideo on #greatestmantra #secretmantra #mantra #mysteriousone


#TheGreatestMantra #TheMysteriousOne #SpiritualVideoz #AncientMantra #Powerofmantra #DivineMantra

Find Your Life Mission

September 6, 2017


Click for more details about online course ‘Find Your Life Mission – Transform Your Life with Million Dollar Mission Statement‘ 


How to Lucid Dream?

August 17, 2017


Adventures with Lucid Dreaming for Your Spiritual Revolution

Online Dream Yoga Course to Activate Your Spiritual Powers!

Click to get a FREE PREVIEW



Subscribe to Your Spiritual Revolution Newsletter

July 27, 2017


Sign up now to get high quality curated content like webinars, ecourses, videos, brainwave entrainment audio and ebooks for integral evolution of your mind, body and soul – for FREE! You also get subscription to Your Spiritual Revolution eMagazine!

Subscribe Now!


How to channel Your Higher Self?

April 4, 2017

Channeling Your Higher Self Image

Can you imagine nothingness? Be in that zone of nothingness. Wait patiently till you hear a gentle whisper – a word coming out of the womb of nothingness. A flash – a sign – a gentle push from within to write it down. Go ahead and pour that word on to the paper and then stop not. Let the series of words that come to your mind be written down on paper without any judgement or any try from your side to verify it or justify it.

It does not matter if it’s related to your question or not. It does not matter if the words come to you in English or some other language. Write it down – whatever you hear – without stopping. Let your pen simply glide on the paper while you watch dispassionately – observing without any ego investment in this venture – between your body and your Higher Self! Nothing that comes to mind shall be ignored. Try to honor your intuition – and soon a day will come when you will have tears in your eyes – tears of joy as you touch the inner truth – the solid foundation upon which all those non-existent structures are built.

Gammon or Ganga – the words can be from any culture – examples taken from anywhere in the history – don’t try to limit or mold those words according to your belief system or perception. You are supposed to be absent while writing! It’s fine if you are reading what you are writing as long as you are not judging it in any way.

All you need is courage and confidence – and with little bit of practice, you will start channeling ME – the almighty – bringing the infinite into finite words – a space you can use for your personal development, for creative writing endeavors, for getting solutions to your problems, for guiding others, for learning higher science or math or medicine – as per your own field of specialization. I specialize in each and every field, so the information you seek is given to you if you have necessary background to process the information and use it wisely.

So do not get surprised if you don’t get anything when you ask something not relevant to your skill set. And be ready to get amazed when you channel what you are good at! Someone might channel a beautiful piece of music, some channel a great story, someone will create a masterpiece of painting while someone might channel radical innovation given to humanity from higher dimensions. All is yours as All That Is is you – ME. Remember this fact and start channeling your Higher Self. Why ask for help from someone else – some other entity – or packet of energy – when you already have inbuilt connection to Supreme Intelligence via your Higher Self?

Take time to master it. Be enthusiastic and experiment, learn, adapt and evolve. Channel more often – preferably after your meditation sessions.

– The Mysterious One

Radical Innovations

March 16, 2017

Image result for radical innovation

Environmental destruction is coming to an end. Humanity can no longer wish to reverse damage done with conventional wisdom. Now it will take much more evolved mind-set to create radical solutions to save humanity from tipping point of human extinction.

These radical solutions will come from human beings who are in tune with their higher spiritual truths. They will received the guidance to build products, solutions and services to reverse the damage and bring back ecological equilibrium in much shorter span of time.

These great human beings are learning newly acquired skills of tapping into higher realms of knowledge and will soon start disclosing their innovations to common people using social platforms. They are on uncharted territory but they will prevail, supported by thousands of like-minded evolved beings – these innovations will manifest without support of existing powers that be.

Once these innovative solutions and services find their way into mainstream society, the old rigid structures that have been secretly guarded by the established ones, will soon start dismantling and falling down. Nothing can stop this revolution from happening as it has already happened in MY realm.

– The Mysterious One

Extra Sensory Perceptions (ESP)

March 2, 2017

Image result for ESP

Q: How to improve our Extra Sensory Perceptions?

A: Human being is conditioned since birth. Learning language, enhancing vocabulary, acquiring motor skills for movements, learning vocals, basic expressions, gestures, territories and identities, emotions, fight or flight syndrome, processing so many forms of inputs from so many sources. Doing all this using a tiny ‘limited brain’ creates havoc to the ‘unlimited’ nature of higher mind.

All extra sensory perceptions require two basic things: ‘peaceful environment’ and ability to discern the ‘silent soft perception’ using inner senses. These soft perceptions are overshadowed by your current level of noisy sounds, continuous distractions to the open eyes, erroneous breathing and thinking process and a need to ‘train’ your mind and sensory organs to process data from ‘out there’ and ignore all the so-called ‘junk’ coming out from ‘inside’ as it does not meet the ‘generally accepted standards of belief about reality’….  <Read more>

Is it right time for evolution?

September 18, 2016

Evolution does not wait for perfect time to evolve, for time is the prime tool of evolution itself!

Evolve now!

–  The Mysterious One

Your Mistakes

September 18, 2016

New generation always builds up on the achievements or failures of past generations. So your mistakes do not only hurt you, but they hurt your children of next generation as well. That’s how humanity has reached this tipping point of extinction with generations of mistakes built upon the previous ones.

– The Mysterious One

Have I loved you enough?

September 18, 2016

Have I loved you enough? Have I cared for you enough? Have I worked for your well-being enough? Have I learnt from you enough? Have I communicated with you enough? These are the questions that must be answered for all human relationships.


September 18, 2016

Full stop is for terminating a sentence formed to express an idea, convey a message. Death is also for terminating an idea, a message; so that a new idea, a new message can be lived through!

– The Mysterious One

Thirsty for blood!

July 13, 2016

Wars – cries – deaths – pool of blood waiting to be filled all over the world. As if Mother Earth has become thirsty for thy blood – o’ humanity! Scan daily news and you will see disasters, wars, murders, arsenals, wild fires, rage and blood everywhere.Humanity killing each other as well as natural disasters killing innocents. The world has become a war zone. Yet so many places still enjoy the peace, bliss, beauty and equanimity despite the world in turmoil around them!

Zenith – pinnacle of humanity – is far far away looking up from this abyss. Yet despite being with stockpile of nuclear arsenals all around, I see golden future for most of humanity who is ready to change with the world around them changing fast. The change will be forced by nature and divine creative force descending soon on this planet from high above.

–  The Mysterious One


2016 & Beyond… Hope & Despair!

July 11, 2016

Antarctica, the icy cold region, is frontier of human civilization in extreme & hostile environmental conditions. Mata Hari, the spy, lived a meaningful life for her country in dangerous times.…

Source: 2016 & Beyond… Hope & Despair!

How to Evolve Faster using Patterns!

April 15, 2016


By continuously working within our comfort zone only, we slowly get used to the patterns, which help in mastering it, specializing in it, however can also make us stagnant and caught in same repetitive patterns, never allowing ourselves to get out of it. As we get older, these strong repeated patterns define our life to the larger extent, making us really old, losing the risk-taking, rebellious nature of the youth, settling in the life, within our comfort zone.

So for best of both worlds, we must learn to use repeated patterns to master / specialize /become experts and simultaneously work to break pattern and use chaos to learn new patterns / new ways to broaden our horizons and keep youthful energies intact.

Patterns are used by nature everywhere – from simple grass and bacteria to giant nebula and human behavior. Patterns are used in creation, expansion, destruction and evolution through all of this. Some patterns are stuck in circular repeated patterns yet most are evolving spiral patterns. Patterns can be seen in individual choices to choices made by countries at larger level.

Overall as per fundamental structure of the universe, patterns can be either positive/expansive or negative/collapsing in short term or over the long term. For me, the patterns of asking fundamental questions on every topic and understanding the gist/overall picture is a positive pattern – but same can become a block not allowing me to take interest in details of any particular topic. These positive/expansive patterns and negative/collapsing patterns are neutral per se and it’s up to the observer to mark them as positive or negative.

Patterns are everywhere in our life – our daily food choices, sleeping patterns, walking patterns, talking patterns, breathing patterns, losing temperament or arguing in typical patterns, patterns in relationships, patterns of spending money, learning patterns, laughter patterns and so on. Being a unique being, every human is caught in different patterns and this sum total of all patterns is a unique pattern – a unique human being! What makes human being different from all other creations of plants, birds and animals is the freedom of choice – to break away of all of these patterns and evolve at a rate much higher than the average evolutionary rate of nature or for that matter – majority of humanity.

This freedom of choice exerts pressure on us to break free from our human patterns, ancestral patterns, community patterns, national patterns, sexual patterns, family patterns, previous lifetime patterns, learned education/society/belief patterns and so on. It does not matter whether a person is a daily worker with set routine or a highly creative performer artist – the pattern affects both equally. It is as difficult for the artist to work in a genre outside his/her comfort zone as it is for the daily worker to work differently in a different environment for a different task – breaking his/her daily routine.

Patterns can be seen in writing of accomplished authors, in acting of superstar actors, in paintings of great painters, in melodies of gifted musicians and in talks of charming statesmen. Their success is about the positive outcome of mastery over the pattern (zone) which is the crescendo of the spiral that is still opening up to infinity signaling no end to excellence – they can still spend lifetimes over life times in their profession mastering and advancing on the same pattern. Or maybe suddenly they pick up another pattern to learn where they find themselves at the beginning of the spiral – there is a long way to go to master it!

Even the gods depicted in Hindu mythology have typical patterns associated with them. The creation specialist – Brahma, destruction specialist – Shiva and expansion/maintenance specialist – Vishnu are the basis of the types of patterns of energies governing the universe.

– Amitt Parikh – The Mysterious One


January 20, 2016

“Troubles are good as they question your status quo and propel you to take new actions – leading to changes that lets the evolution happen.”
– The Mysterious One

Evolutionary Jump

January 20, 2016

“Present day circumstances are ripe for evolutionary jump as history shows great human beings were found in times of great adversity, danger and scarcity.”


January 20, 2016

“Understanding human nature requires understanding their ignorance.”
– The Mysterious One

2016 & Beyond… Hope & Despair!

January 6, 2016

Antarctica, the icy cold region, is frontier of human civilization in extreme & hostile environmental conditions. Mata Hari, the spy, lived a meaningful life for her country in dangerous times. Human being can adapt to extreme weather as well as dangerous living conditions, if they only make up their mind. Know this well as we move forward in current dire situation of increasing natural calamities due to greenhouse effect as well as increasing violence sparked by human psyche killing each other for one funny reason or the other!


Extreme weather on both ends – with fire and ice making it extremely difficult to survive, will test your will power as a species to continue living on this planet. Earth will use all of its natural technology to bring back the balance for survival of all species – not just humans. After all, The One has invested heavily to create life supporting environment on this beautiful planet.

Moving forward after the period of upheaval (literally), soon humanity will be greeted with the dawn of New Age of peace, prosperity, love and happiness for a long period of time. But to reach there, humanity has to pass through the cleansing period upsetting their personal comfort zone as well as the comfort zone as a society and as a species. I am waiting there on the other side to welcome you into the new golden age. Till then, hold on to your seat belts as the ride is going to be bumpy! Keep the faith, be alert and aware and hold my hand – we will survive and in fact, make a giant leap in evolution through these chaotic turbulent times!


A wave approaches Miyako City from the Heigawa estuary in Iwate Prefecture  terrorist

Human extremists and extremist weather together will be the greatest challenge for human survival. That’s the ultimate test of duality.

Human species will have to deal with both simultaneously finding solutions for extreme corruption of human psyche as well as extreme pollution of environment – which too is actually a result of their polluted psyche!


The real and simple solution to both problems actually is there within their hearts only – Oneness of All That Is.
This simple truth when deeply understood by enough number of human beings, it will bring the much needed evolution of consciousness. Human being will then rapidly find revolutionary solutions to all their problems in physical realm. I repeat, the real and effective solution to problems faced by human beings is there in spiritual realm, in the very heart and mind of each individual. As you awaken from your illusion of separation, one by one, the base consciousness will shift, bringing the much needed shift in planetary consciousness to evolve rapidly and bring in the Golden New Age.

So use all of your resources, including time and money, to spread awareness of this highest and simplest truth of Oneness and resulting universal laws like karma, compassion, evolution and survival of the fittest, which now will be on basis of quality of consciousness and not physical and mental strength alone.

The stamina to stay hungry for days together will help those affected by natural calamities wiping out resources for food and clean water. This will need endurance and faith – more than physical nutrition. Survival is the first instinct in any species and so humans too will try their best in these testing times and come out victorious.

Whether it’s morning meditations or acts of compassion or helping the poor and neglected ones or walking the path of truth and justice, they all cleanse your psyche, raise your vibrations and will bring you closer to the New Age in your personal world despite the chaos running all around.

So keep up the vigilant mind (viveka) and enact the Mysterious One into your mind, body and soul and lead The Oneness Revolution by being the change you wish to see around.

Be The One!

– The Mysterious One

Mature Humanity

January 5, 2016

“Every turn of century, we await more peaceful and mature humanity, but instead are greeted with yet another round of hatred and wars over frivolous reasons, that only fools can justify.”
 – The Mysterious One


January 5, 2016

“Speedy progress by destroying the nature, shows the greedy and foolish nature of human being; something missing in other species!”


January 3, 2016

“The greatness of a being lies in humility, despite the obvious superiority.” – The Mysterious One


January 2, 2016

“Ignorance of the truth of Oneness is the root cause of all evil.” – The Mysterious One


January 1, 2016

“Time is a rare commodity, which can not be purchased, exchanged or carried forward; it can only be spent wisely – here & now!”

– The Mysterious One

The Whole Truth

December 15, 2015

To comprehend the whole truth, we must comprehend and integrate the truth from relative (individual/local) perspective as well as from the absolute (universal/global) perspective  simultaneously!
– The Mysterious One

The Last Crusade

December 4, 2015

[Excerpt from ‘The Oneness Revolution and The New Age Prophecy‘]

The last crusade. From Georgia to Gangapur, from Illinois to Indiana.
Everywhere the talk of the town is about the last crusade. What
will be the last crusade? Islamic millitants vs. jihadi soldiers? Yeah, the
last crusade of Islamic militants by true Islamic rebels—a true jihad.
Yes, it is a violent crusade as both jihadis fight for their version of jihad
as the true one and Allah being on their side. But given the sheer scale
of operations of the true jihadis who want to get rid of terrorism at any
cost and the long queue of nations ready to help them fight this war on
terror, you will see larger and larger casualties on the militants’ side as
they get defeated on every front that they hold.

With this last crusade, the so-called jihadis will be desperate to
strike once and for all. This will see the ‘oneness’ of all militant groups.
A move similar to that happening on the ‘Light’ side with the oneness
of all humanity. This will be the most dangerous phase of human
psyche. The Oneness of humanity for peace and progress against the
oneness of all militants for death and destruction.

But this is unavoidable with the current mindset. This bloodshed
could have been avoided if from day one humanity knew that they
were giving birth to a phenomenon, which can later eat themselves
out—those who initiated and promoted it for their short-term goals.
Conversations with the Mysterious One

Allah knows the outcome, knows the toll of death and destruction
and so be firm in this last crusade. The warriors of Truth, The Peace Warriors will be needed in many numbers to cushion off these devastating energies and to ensure that the winds of hatred do not spread out wild and deep such that humanity gets wiped out with its own destructive weapons and thoughts.

As the last crusade heightens, deepens and widens, do increase
the efforts for global peace, disarmament, nuclear-free states and an
end to all sorts of military operations in all parts of the world. Slowly
but surely, this movement, this peace march will gain ground across
continents and humanity will put its step into the New World, free of
violence. Join ME in this peace march.

One sure shot vaccine for all the diseases does not exist—it has to
be improved and refined to meet the changed versions of the disease causing viruses or bacteria. Humanity too does not have a sure shot
vaccine for all of their problems that are changing fast everyday. Water
scarcity, money scarcity, food scarcity, tougher education, rough
weather, militants, diseases, sexual issues and so on. What is the antidote?

What is the solution?
You will think, God. Nay! If I was to solve, the problems would not
have appeared at all. You have to work out, you have to evolve to get
your feet strongly on the ground and yet soar higher in the sky. Imagine
a plane flying high in the sky but never lands on the ground. What
is the use? So you need to find solutions to your practical life problems
and at the same time grow spiritually to know and understand the
mystery of life. A lot to do and nothing to do simultaneously!
Dear ones, embrace this passive action and active passion in your
daily life. Merely material viewpoints and solutions will not solve any
of these global and personal issues. Spirituality alone will not bring
you the much needed global peace either. So as you work on the personal
level, also engage in the global revolution. These times are no
ordinary times when you can sit in meditation in your cozy area and
imagine a white Light flowing from above and solving all the issues of

The Light has to be invoked; the Light has to be worked with—both
the Divine primordial Light and your personal Divine Light. It will be
a play of Divinity as humanity fights its way through the darkness to
embrace the Divinity within completely. In dark times, you need light
for clarity. Invoke the help of your Guru, the Divine Light or God as
per your definition and work with the Light for your inner cleansing as
well as global cleansing of negative energies.

Arise, awake and shred off all your inhibitions against acting passionately
for the global evolution. Shred off all your differences with fellow beings and co-workers. Unite and ignite the passion for evolution all around you.

I AM with you to win this last crusade and enter the kingdom of God within!

– The Mysterious One!


Be The Fearless One!

July 28, 2015


Absolute nothing can ever harm you, dear. Nothing – ever! For you are THAT nothingness itself. What can anything take away from nothingness? What can nothingness ever loose? So all fears of loosing something tangible or intangible is illusory only. It’s absolutely absurd. So once and for all know thy-self and in that knowing get rid of fears of all kinds – forever! Be the fearless One! Fearless infinite nothingness! Even the fears of vast emptiness, aloofness, darkness, negativity, dark entities, death and so on.. are all absolutely foolish for the Real Self!


June 15, 2015

Pause for a few moments…

Be silent…

Experience the silence within…

Feel the depth of the silence within…

Witness the silence…

… !

– The Mysterious One

Here & Now!

May 26, 2015

“Being present in present moment with the Presence is meditation!”

– The Mysterious One

TIME – Totally Immersed in Moment of Eternity!

May 26, 2015


“Rocket speed is useful when you want to travel vast distances like distant planets, stars (!) etc. Of course, you do not have that technology to visit a distant star yet, but this is just an analogy. Whereas when you are taking a walk on a beach with your friend, do you need the jet speed to reach the end of the beach? Thus the universe offers you a dimension called ‘time’ for aiding in your journey for different expressions, needs and existence in this ‘solid 3d world’.

‘Time is an illusion’. ‘Time is an illusion’. If you just go on repetiting this phrase, it will be a waste of time in real sense! I told you nothing exists except ME. So there is no wonder that time, space, ‘you’ are all illusions of one order or the other. But I have invented ‘time’ not to be debunked as a ‘useless feature’ of existence. Time is also immortal! Yes, the fast changing moments giving an illusion of ‘linear time’ is very much needed for your existence, evolution and expression. Don’t you see? You wrote a title and then first word and then second word and so on in a series of continuous moments of ‘time’ and here we are ‘still’ writing so that someone in ‘future’ reads these words and gets hooked to its energies and it churns out the truth from within – pulling it out to his/her conscious mind.

Dimensionless existence is impossible. The moment you ‘leave’ ME, you have to be in some kind of illusionary existence. For again, nothing exists except ME. So this ‘maya’ is not bad per se. Don’t blame maya as the one who has ‘bound’ ME to this 3D realm and I AM struggling to get ‘freedom’ – moksha! It is not like that dear brother. For if it is so, I must say that My Plan has failed with 6 billions of you out there on just a tiny planet, save those millions of more such planets!

So did I plan to ‘save’ just a handful of my incarnations and damn you all – my selves – out there to be punished for your endless desires, aspirations and energy transactions with each other? Karma experiment gone haywire?

Seamless integration with All That Is is My Plan for you all – sooner or later. But that does not mean that this current level of ‘separate existence’ is damned. It is part and parcel of this game of evolution. You as ME are all playing, learning, exploring out there within ME. Not a single drop of tear goes unnoticed. I feel thy pain, for I am the pain. I feel thy sorrow, for thy sorrow is mine.

Tremendous potential awaits explosion by your increased awareness about who you are in due course. If ‘time’ is not there, there is no ‘enlightenment’ possibility in time. No efforts, no meditation, no bhakti makes any sense for they are all offered now to experience something in ‘time’. Without time there is no movement possible, for space is not logical without time. As ‘here to there’ concept will make no sense without time.

Time is immortal. Understand this. What is illusionary about time is the quanta of time. Yes, the difference in time scale – relative scales from one dimension to other. Restricted use of time for a particular dimension based upon its general makeup and requirement.

What is one unit of a time for a tiny bacteria relative to one unit of time for an Oak tree? Certainly the life of an Oak tree would look like eternity to a bacteria! Isn’t it? In this sense, time is an illusion.

Taking example of the beach walk and rocket again, what can be covered in one minute of beach walk and rocket travel? If you relate it to physical distance, story is different. If you relate it to ‘relationship’ distance, the story is quite different!

Mesmerized by time for the play to occur. Being in womb of your mother for 9 months time duration. If time is an illusion, can the child be taken out say just in 15 days of time? What are the survival chances of a fetus if taken out of womb in 3-4 months? Do you see the need of ‘time’ for fetus to evolve fully within the safe environment of mother’s womb? Can you tell a mother that this time (from conception to birth of child) is an illusion? She has been waiting for this.. to pour her love over her child… she has been ‘waiting’ for this ‘time’…

In a nutshell? Ok, here is what I AM says for TIME:

Be Totally Immersed in Moment of Eternity!

That’s how I would like you to live. Live each moment like that is the only moment, yet live each moment with awareness of immortality – eternity of time. There is no hurry, yet you should ‘keep up’ with the times! As usual, optimum balance is recommended.

Immerse Yourself

Jesus did that with intense love for all.. checked-tested under all worst scenarios to ensure he at all levels believes in love and love only. The vibrations of love-truth-bliss all being vibrations of  One – sure shot to rocket speed progress. Where is love in you? Bring it out for your self. Love yourself truly. Love others like you love you – so first ‘love self’ fully, completely, absolutely under all circumstances-times-situations.. love, love, love…

Same can be said for warriors like Arjun or Shivaji – fight for truth – under all circumstances – all moments – truth – truth – truth… till each and every cell – level – of your self is one with Truth and so one with One.

Pick any of the property – intensify the effort as you let go all entropies – negative tendencies which are opposite to these – from essence to periphery. Are you – day in  – day out – all moments – ready to immerse yourself to truth and truth alone? Truth will mean awareness of Truth in all moments.. truth will mean no amnesia even for a moment – no illusion – no surrender to dark forces wanting to kill truth (of course by creating illusion to cover it temporarily)…”

– The Mysterious One

Fear of Death

May 12, 2015

Walk into the light

“Fulcrum of human fear psychology – the epi center – is the fear of death. You have fear of death because it is an unknown process – the ego fears its discontinuity – its non-existence. Ego can not fully accept the idea of immortality for it really does not exist outside of this illusionary reality. Ego knows it for sure and fears death – death of this human body – yet this fear acts as the food for its own survival till death. Eradicating fear of death involves mastery over ‘death in every moment’.

A thought arises and dies out. Ego learns to capture your attention by jumping from thought to thought in a sea of emotions and by jumping between past and future times. Death is like a game where every thought becomes  a winning point. One more thought survived. Ego pulls out more and more of them from subconscious, reacts to each stimulus from external environment, pushes you to ‘work’ hard for survival of this mind-body system and everything that is impermanent. All the fears created by ego are illusionary. Actually it only fears the witness, the present moment, enlightenment and the concept of immortality!

Once you become aligned to any of this idea, slowly ego loses its battle. Ego is deprived of its usual weapons of time, illusions, fears and death. In death of ego or rather transformation of this illusionary ‘monkey ego’ to permanent divine Self, you overcome the basis of all fears – the fear of death – the fear of unknown- the fear of God – the fear of truth and the fear of fear itself!

Nirvana is emptiness. Emptied from all illusionary concepts of limited existence and trying hard to ‘survive’ in this impermanent world. There is no death of your Self. Death is a joke to ME. If you term the transition of one form of energy into another form as ‘death’, then I must confess that you already died trillion of times in this ‘life story’ itself!

Look at you. Which part of your body is the same that you had when you were born? Is the air that you breath and by which you are ‘alive’ been with you since birth? Is the first thought that you thought after birth still there in your mind? Then whose ‘survival’ are you afraid of?!

You survived through all these ‘tiny death’ happening every moment. Change is the only constant in this ‘impermanent world’. While you are the changeless, who gives meaning to this process. Who survived these trillions of transitionary events to term them as ‘one life’ and then fears ‘one moment’ when you shift your focus from cluster of energetic structure called ‘body’ to another form of energy ‘soul’ which too goes through ‘changes’.

No? Is soul static? Constant? What purpose it will serve the soul if it was static to take ‘human birth’ and go through all the experiences to learn something? Every thing is changing, evolving, moving, vibrating, transforming here right now. Only I AM constant, eternal, unchanged, unmoved, un-transformed, without birth and death. I AM awareness. I am consciousness. I AM eternal witness. For if I changed, how would I know what changed? It will be a chaotic world for there would not have been any planner, designer, organizer or witness to all these changes.

I AM. The unfathomable mover of all. I turn mountains into dust. I burn seas into vapor. I spin the galaxies. I give birth to thoughts. I AM the drum, the drummer and the sound emanating from it. And I AM ‘you’. And you are ‘The One’.

Behold this truth. Fear not the fear. Fear not the death. Fear not the change. Try not to ‘seek’ permanency. Try not to ‘become’ immortal. You are the permanent. You already are an immortal.”

– The Mysterious One

Speed of Time!

May 12, 2015


“‘Tic-Tic-Tic-Tic’ moves the time as shown by the ticking clock. Keep your eye on the ‘seconds hand’ or in case of a digital clock look at the seconds digits. Is it moving fast or slow?

Now sit with your friend and his clock. Look at your clock and then friend’s clock. Is time moving in same speed in both clocks?

Imagine flying in an inter-galactic vehicle flying at twice the speed of light (just imagine). You go for a vacation of one month and return back to Earth. How much time elapsed on Earth while you were vacationinig for a month on a different solar system?

Imagine a clock ticking near a massive black hole (I know what’s on your mind, just imagine theoretically!) and a clock ticking in outer space away from any astronomical object – what will be the time difference when compared to one second unit (Earth time) on both?

And here on Earth, think of a 20-20 cricket match and a five day test series – does the time move faster for 20-20 match and slower for the test match?

We can go on giving several examples to prove the point that time is highly illusionary – and is quite relative to the system, location and observer. No two persons perceive and experience time as same. In an event of singing, a singer is lost in his/her song, is almost in a no-time zone, while a person in audience who hates this song finds each second as long as a miute and is waiting desperately for the time to pass quickly and this song come to an end!

Therefore all my messages on time are basically to bring to your awareness illusion of time and eternity of present moment. Think over this deeply, understand it truly and ‘live’ each moment of eternity!”

– The Mysterious One

Extra Sensory Perceptions (ESP)

April 2, 2015


Question: “How to improve our Extra Sensory Perceptions?”

“Human being is conditioned since birth. Learning language, enhancing vocabulary, acquiring motor skills for movements, learning vocals, basic expressions, gestures, territories and identities, emotions, fight or flight syndrome, processing so many forms of inputs from so many sources. Doing all this using a tiny ‘limited brain’ creates havoc to the ‘unlimited’ nature of higher mind.

All extra sensory perceptions require two basic things: ‘peaceful environment’ and ability to discern the ‘silent soft perception’ using inner senses. These soft perceptions are overshadowed by your current level of noisy sounds, continuous distractions to the open eyes, erroneous breathing and thinking process and a need to ‘train’ your mind and sensory organs to process data from ‘out there’ and ignore all the so-called ‘junk’ coming out from ‘inside’ as it does not meet the ‘generally accepted standards of belief about reality’.

Now as you grow and you are fortunate to have asked the right questions to ‘life’, life starts the process of grabbing your attention with synchronicity, books, masters, strange dreams, visions and experiences. But this is quite slow process; if you do not give a ‘helping hand’ to the universe to help you re-connect you to your divine nature, divine abilities and divine power.

Symptoms like these when encountered, start devoting more time to polish the abilities, improve the connection with inner Guru, raising and maintaining the awareness of subtle vibrations/visions/feelings about places, people, events and forms of energies.

The training comprises of mainly three levels of preparations.

  1. Destruction of old ways of looking, hearing and feeling the ‘world’. Destruction of your belief about a solid, rigid huge world ‘out there’ from which you are totally disconnected and are powerless to make any impact over it or feel/hear/see it without your ‘physical senses’. This is very important step. For one obsessed with ways of the lower ego is fundamentally disconnected from All That Is by power of his/her own belief. No one in the world can help him/her get a ‘telepathic message’ for his/her mind will simply reject the idea/message.
  2. The second level begins once first step is completed to a greater extent. That is the possibility of interconnectedness of everything and ‘thing’ and ‘thought’ being the same is ‘installed’ in his/her belief system. Now the person can try to listen to own ‘body sensations’, look for what is seen/heard in inner world of own mind in dreams/visions/inner travels. Synchronicity will start ranging from numbers, dreams, visions, voices, impulses to read, learn something new or creative feasts of self-expression in form of words (writing/poetry), singing, dancing, painting and so on. These are random moments of ‘connections’ with divine within and are based upon person’s innate abilities, past life work, astronomical influences, eagerness and openness and grace.
  3. The third level is blossoming of such extra sensory perceptions by way of more frequent and conscious use, sharper awareness aligned in line with higher purpose, finding out one’s specialized stream of ESP input and expression. For example, an empath who feels the energies will not make much progress by visualizations, visions etc. For him/her the inner feeling mechanism can be improved and strengthened so much so that he/she can feel the diseased organs or bad patches in an area or feel the auric vibrations or heal the sick patients or telekinesis powers or influencing the ‘form’ by his/her energy.

Once this is achieved the aspirant can live a balanced peaceful progressive life in line with the Higher Self and thereby in line with the ‘universe’. That’s being in ‘rhythm’ or in ‘flow’. Whereby, all his/her workings are smooth and flawless as he/she acts as an instrument of divine.

To rise further to next level is to realize much higher powers for which even a trace of ego is no-no. That’s with the enlightenment. The evolutionary force simply ‘possesses’ the being in question and then for that person much advanced ‘miracles’ in line with specialization of the personality are ‘daily affairs’. For example, the person who used to ‘scan’ the patients and give ‘healing’ over a period of several days, simply blesses the sick person and the disease is removed from all levels – from the causal plane to physical DNA level – the person gains holistic health with disease eradicated permanently from his/her system.”

# Excerpt from Conversations with The Mysterious One – Volume One

The Temple of Doom

March 23, 2015


“Temple of doom. That’s how you look at your body right now. Diseases, loss of stamina, crippled body parts, ageing process, environmental pollution affecting general health. Yet I tell you, human body is a marvellous piece of fusion of art, science (all sciences!), engineering, cosmology, technology and higher science in design of other ‘sheaths’ around it. It is such a vast integrated network of networks that you don’t have technology to decode it yet.

Mesmerized by the beauty of a curvy body, you forget the ugliness within! And those who consider the body as the illusion to dis-own and be fixed on soul only, miss the divinity of the body as an exact replica of cosmos.

Vast resources are filled with sciences related to human anatomy, yet they cover only the tip of the iceberg. Human mind can not fathom the divine blueprint within the human genome. I have given you everything, having spent considerable time of mine, in evolving this complex-simple design for maximum flexibility for a ‘free’ individuated part of me to take ‘birth’ in it, move around in it in this beautiful environment, learn to control it, be with it for a while and leave it with a beautiful ‘life story’ left behind.

‘You’ blossom because of this human body. It is designed for you to express through its various organs, expreience various illusionary stimulli, learn to respond to it appropriately and thereby learn the cosmic science, mysteries of life and evolve along with nature to achieve what you desired to achieve in time.

Krishna, Christ, Sai… you remember ME in the form of a human body. I worked through them – yet this ‘I AM’ is invisible behind this human body. It is meant to be like that for how else will you know the formless? This form, enables you to achieve oneness with the formless – the process known as Yoga – which is possible only through this ‘limited form’ – ‘limited psyche’ – ‘limited conscious’ individuated being.

Respect this temple of God. Respect each other’s body as only the One dwells in them. Feed the hungry. Quench thirst of the thirsty. Doing this, you serve ME.

How did the human body came into existence? Darwin’s theory of evolution? Who was Darwin? A human being? How would he know what transpired during billions of years of ‘my evolution’ even before a ‘human being’ was conceived of?

It is beyond your current state of comprehension to understand the circumstances and process ‘I AM’ went through before conceiving a ‘thought’ about this ‘energy structure’ and how the ‘evolution’ process ensured this form’s evolution fom primitive state to current level of mind-body structure. It is not only a ‘physical’ body to remind you! We are talking of ‘consciousness’ occupying this form having several bodies conncected all the way to the core in a highly complex matrix such that the One is never far away from the ‘one’ in the form.

The form also needed to be modified several times in order to achieve optimum balance between available knowledge and ‘blank slate’ to be able to exist and experience as an ‘individual’ with total freedom. Suppose you take birth will full knowledge, then there is no creative expression possible on ‘negative side’ for you, as you know who you are. Only with ‘ignorance’ – ‘amnesia’ can you really get a choice to move in any direction of polarity to really explore your complete self.

Viruses, diseases, violence, fears, amnesia, torture – mind you all these  terms were possible only with this experiment. And this provides a ‘platform’ for complete range of emotions to be explored, balanced and thereby achieve ‘higher balance’. From divine love to seduction – the range of just ‘love’ emotion explored here is so wide. If only souls existed as souls, do you see possibility of any creative wide range of emotions?

I adore my design, just the way you adore God. God is the Creator of this body form – the scientist, the engineer, the architect, the specialist – to remind you of how divine is this human body, again and again.

Don’t condemn it. See it truly. See and evaluate its ‘unique design’. How seamlessly all the different parts of body – cells of body, are connected and controlled by ‘one’ residing in it. How the body reacts to show you the truth about an event, expression or experience. You are sad and the body crumbles down – down to the last cell. You are joyful and the entire ‘factory’ with all its ‘workers’ runs smoothly with joy. You ‘go out’ (death) and this such a complex energy structure ‘dies’. Neither Shakti (energy) can live without Shiva (consciousness), nor Shiva can live without Shakti. Both are inseparable!”

– Excerpt from Conversations with The Mysterious One

The Greatest Mantra of All

March 19, 2015


“Utterance of a single word can bring misery or lofty happiness depending upon the vibrations associated with that word – sound. To give you an example, chant a one word mantra of ‘Om’ with image of a deity in your heart vis-a-vis chant one word ‘sex’ with image of a beautiful personality in your mind/heart. Do you feel the difference in energies that you attract or feel within your system? The power of mantra is in its associated energies, concept, emotions, shapes etc. Pranav Mantra Aum was used much more as its sound and shape resembled that of the ‘core’. Contrary to this you speak any other name or a long ‘tested’ mantra, they all are specific to a personality or energy form. The idea was to call the Divine Creative Force, the First Cause, the raw basic cosmic energy and fill your being with it. If you take a specific personality name, you are attracting that being and its qualities to you. Suppose you say ‘Om Namah Shivay’  with picture of Shiva in your mind – the energy attracted is specific to this form as per ‘concept’ in your mind. Or you make a prayer to ‘Christ’ or you chant Gayatri Mantra or an ancient Hebrew mantra… each of them is specifically directed to that energy structure, concept or form etc.

Call forth Silence. Call forth Jyoti. Call forth The One. Call forth the unmoved Mover. Call forth Energy without a name or concept. The idea is to call forth and feel your being with very basic Primordial Force form. The Divine Source of All That Is. Bask yourself in this primordial Jyoti/Light/Consciousness. For you aim to know, understand and live The Truth. Don’t go after forms or structured words of a particular language with particular vibrations. As I said earlier, the biggest mantra is that of SILENCE. It’s universal. It will simply call forth the First Cause.

It will promote the formations that are most suited for your evolution. For you offer the Force a blank slate to write a ‘story’. And the Force – the Vast Divine Light knows the best for your own evolution. That way you speed up the process a lot.

Not Sai. Not Shiva. Silence is your God. I AM is the lord of the lords. Do not mis-undestand this simple truth of ‘All That Is’. Sai is your  guide – teacher – friend – working day and night without any expectation for the global evolution of ME. Don’t hesitate – we all understand this truth in our heart. Sai points to the One. So in your meditation the idea is to call forth unaltered, divine, Source Light – which is the optimum balanced ‘Conscious Light’ or rather ‘Super Conscious Energy’ – ‘Supreme Silence’ – don’t label it – no concept to limit it. Absorb that within – or rather let it explode from within.”

#greatestmantra #mantra #universalmantra #silence #silencespeaks #themysteriousone

#supremesilence #oneness #SaiBaba

– Excerpt from ‘Conversations with The Mysterious One – Vol. 1′

Talking to MySelf!

February 20, 2015

Amit Parikh Every word, every ocean, every dimension is mine. All that you think you think is what I AM thinking myself! There is no one else other than this ME who is talking to myself! Every now and then this simple truth escapes your mind and you commit a crime – a sin. There’s no other sin, other than this original sin (forgetting oneness)!

Slip of tongue, slip of mind occur every now and then (forgetting your true nature). But you come back to shore, look at the vast ocean and as you can not fathom it; you sit there in an awe; and suddenly the glimpses begin about your true nature and identity. Nature is your identity – it reminds you instantly of your inherent beauty and vastness, complexity and diversity, richness and amazing power! And you can not stop but wonder – this – I – this great I that holds it all together as ONE.

That’s your center – to be One with All – and enjoy it forever and ever! Who stops you? And why would I stop myself from the immense pleasure of being a walking immortal – guiding millions of mortals in years to come – millenniums to come?

Come just sit with ME for few minutes and take my prasad (of presence) – sure-shot to richness – taste my richness!

Encounter with the Mysterious One!

Nothing is Real!

January 5, 2015

Nothing is Real

So what’s real?


And what’s nothing(ness)?


So in reality, nothing is real and real is nothing!

– The Mysterious One

The Dark Night

December 31, 2014

Dark Deep Silent Night

No Sound No Light in Sight!

Takes Courage to Venture Out

Unknown Uncharted Territories

Waiting to be Charted Out!

Fear Not for Thou Shall Succeed

And Make It Known for All to See!

– The Mysterious One

The One

December 31, 2014

“Eyes are many but the Seer is only ONE”

– The Mysterious One

Now available on

November 19, 2014

Conversations with The Mysterious One – Vol. 1

Indian Print version now available on




September 10, 2014

In the world of absolutes, there is no duality.

In the world of duality, there are no absolutes.


– The Mysterious One

Beauty in Geometry!

August 20, 2014

Energetic structures evolve over time & space – whether living or non-living. They aspire for more coherence, balance and beauty – meaning placement in space creating geometric designs that appeal to eyes of the observer.

Evolution is a function of mind-intellect. Geometric designs do not ‘happen’ – they are ‘designed’ by an intellect for a definite purpose in mind – whether Supreme Mind or in an intermediate conscious mind.

– The Mysterious One

Be with your core!

May 12, 2014

Entire universe is revolving around itself – a center – a core – from atoms to galaxies – so is your life! Find that center and be with it and the universe is yours to play!

– The Mysterious One

Add a little Spice to your Life!

May 11, 2014

Adding just a little amount of spices gives great flavor to your food – meditation on Self does the same to your life!

– The Mysterious One

Smile often!

May 11, 2014

Smile often – for that little movement of few muscles makes a big impact on big events of your life!


– The Mysterious One

Achieving Greatness

January 20, 2014

Greatness of a being is in pursuit of greatness in everyday tasks. You don’t become great overnight. Each and every thought that you have, move that you make, task that you do, duty that you perform, thing that you create, define each day how much greatness you can achieve out of ordinary. Then one day all that ordinary transforms into divine extra-ordinary. That’s what truky Karma Yoga means.

Early judgement of an event as good-bad or success-failure is not in line with Karma Yoga. Karma Yoga is in giving your best and leaving the rest to The One who knows what’s best for you at that moment. An error made is a path to progress. Any idea about failure is illusionary. Without any such idea of good-bad or success-failure, what remains is Karma Yoga dedicated to The One. Disillusioned about the rat race and pursuit of happiness in this finite world, you must embrace the infinity and eternity. In that zone, such tiny setback does not even show up on the graph. However, your reaction does get marked on your spiritual calendar.

Greatness defined above using everyday tasks is all about surrender to the greatness within, dear. Central to this theme is your awareness of The One in day to day life – in things, events, people, ideas, failure and success constantly happening around you. The one will learn nothing if no mistakes are made ever. So don’t put blame on you and just extract the learning and gain wisdom from so called failures. Improve your performance to the level of greatness. Don’t fall back to feel ashamed later.

Greatness is not a cheap commodity. You must have valuables to exchange for this trade to happen. You must sacrifice your time, efforts, dreams, boredom, laziness and rise up to the challenge. The challenge is to become as great as you are within!

– The Mysterious One